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September to Mid-October 2024 Round-Up

author pics of Kawai Shen shot from behind in leather gloves and a red shirt and Elle Nash with dramatic eyeliner and the Witch Craft Magazine logo, an illustration of an open hand with a crying eye in the palm

It's been a busy start to the fall:

red and pink illustration of a dark, clawed hand reaching for the receiver of a rotary phone below which is featured the Rose Books logo of a hand holding a rose (with added bats) with the text in jittery font: Don't Be Afraid! Call now! 1-844-300-ROSE HOTLINE

Coming up:

Spooky Reads/Watches I've enjoyed lately:


Some of you may know Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch, publisher, editor, and author of a good number of queer books. They're fundraising to help a queer friend and family members evacuate from Beirut to safety. As well, writers Jane Shi, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, and Alice Wong are still fundraising to buy e-Sims to connect Gazans to the internet. Please consider supporting these writers' campaigns and keep calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon and Palestine! If you want to get more involved and don't know where to start beyond crowdfunding, I would suggest finding an organization that is doing work you can see yourself getting more involved in whether it's humanitarian aid and human rights charities (Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty International), grassroots groups (Just Peace Advocates, Canadians for Justice & Peace in the Middle East), or those in the BDS movement and divestment campaigns (PACBI).

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* mild spoilers ahead