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I've a new story out with Body Fluids: Better Red Than Dead. I thought it was fitting that this flash fiction piece was published just before Labour Day because the protagonist is a labour organizer. In fact, she's Athena from Missionary and this piece is basically a "deleted scene" that was too irreverent in tone to keep. I'm glad my editor Alice M. saw fit to print it because when I re-read it, my reaction was more or less lol jfc I can't believe I wrote that. I mean, if that's how you feel reading something you wrote, you have an obligation to get that placed somewhere.
I'll also take this opportunity to add that at time of writing Better Red, Toronto was a very different place. I'm sorry to say that the days of plentiful, free, discrete, and clean spaces for lovers in a pinch have been rapidly fading in this godforsaken city, especially post-covid. So unlike my story, you'll likely need a room key card to access any 4-star hotel washroom in Toronto. No more walk-ins! St. George campus, which once hosted the most reliable cluster of discrete spaces for impromptu trysts downtown, has also been cracking down on unlocked doors. Just another sign that things here are becoming more hostile to human life...